How does one start JAVA?

Charles Mallahan mallahan at
Tue Aug 6 12:20:48 CDT 2002

Chris Hoelscher wrote:

>I know this has to be a stupid question, but I'm at a loss.  I've gone
>to Sun and downloaded the JRE RPM package, installed it, and followed
>the instructions.  However, when I point my Netscape to
>file:/usr/java/jre1.3.1_04/ControlPanel.html I get an error dialog that
>"Exec of /usr/bin/i386/native_threads/java_vm failed: 2
>"Plugin: Plugin is not enabled or Java VM process has died.
>What I don't see is any java anything active in 'ps aux', and I don't
>recall any instructions to start java.  Any "oh, duh" comments for me?
>Thanks -
No "oh, duh" but you don't "start" java.  I prefer Mozilla on all 
platforms, because now post 1.0 you just copy "a file or two" to get a 
plugin working.  What distro are you using?  Also the JRE is the run 
time environment, I also download and install the SDK, and create the 
$JAVA_HOME variable.

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