Is it OK for Microsoft and others to forbid disclosure of benchmark results?

J Greene j_a_greene at
Thu Nov 1 21:03:46 CST 2001

Dear Microsoft,

This letter probably won't reach anyone important, but the article said
you wanted to hear from us... so, here it goes.

What a great way of keeping information from your customers and hiding the
truth.  Don't let this kind of information out to the public and no one
will know if your product can actually do what you say it can.

Should Ford be allowed to limit the information released from crash tests
performed at independent labs?  

This is completely lame and totally predictable.  But I guess it goes
along with all of the other M$ policies.

Rule with an Iron Fist and don't answer to anyone!

You can put what ever spin on it you want. It will still amount to the
same thing...  and you already know what that is...

This is one more reason that the Open-source world will continue to grow. 
As you tighten your grip, your customers will eventually slip out of your
hand and land in a much nicer world.  
Someone at M$ needs to take a class in morals and ethics.

J. Greene


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