Great Reply-to Debate

mike neuliep mike at
Wed Sep 27 04:59:02 CDT 2000

Subject: The Great Reply-To Debate

Mr Monster,

Wow, that is a great idea!  Here is how I think it would work:

        -- make the supposition that we can do this PER listserv
        -- leave kclug listserv configured as it
        -- create a new listserv configured to use reply-to field
        --subscribe each listserv to eachother
        -- users can then choose how they want their mail headers
                delivered, but everyone still sees the same messages

The only problem is the first supposition.  There is a good chance that we 
can't do this per listserv.  I say this because when I upgraded to the new
majordomo, I brought ALL the config files over from the old one.  I've not
made any config changes.  But we'll see if it can be done.  Can anyone see
where I might have screwed up the logic in the above plan of attack?


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