another newbie question

mike neuliep mike at
Mon Oct 23 17:52:35 CDT 2000

Tony, one thing to remember when considering hardware vs software raid:

1) Your statement is true that a P3 is faster and has more bandwidth than a PCI bus.

2) Raid controllers do everything onboard.  The PCI bus doesn't get hit up in a 
failmode situation.  The PCI bus only sees the normal read/write traffic


3) In software raid, the PCI bus will even be more busy.  In addition to normal
reads and write to the disks, it also has to handle the bandwidth for parity
calculations in a failed mode situation.

	not relative to performance

4) Hardware raid is more convinient.

Does anyone see any gaping flaws in my logic that with a decent RAID controller
that it should always be faster in a failed situation or rebuild situation vs
a software raid driver?  

	Mike Neuliep

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