
Ripcrd6 ripcrd6 at worldinter.net
Sun Jan 16 16:35:16 CST 2000

I think one important task would be to start caching the mailing list msgs.
for when the email program on various machines decide to crash and so that
the new people can go back and read the old stuff for a few weeks or a
month.  And maybe the technical related questions could be cached
permanently by some kind of flagging method.   Or is this too much?
I have seen the caching of emails at other LUG sites.  Found them when
searching for info on the net.

-----Original Message-----
From: webmaster <webmaster at kclinux.com>
To: kclug at kclug.org <kclug at kclug.org>
Subject: kclug - KCLUG-Website

>Hello all,
>   We are ready for some input from all of you (ie feature requests,
>content, etc). We can't move forward until we have a consensus on what the
>wants to accomplish with the new kclug site. We need  to know specifically
who wants
> to help, so we can start coordinating our efforts. We will also need an
artist (so if
>you are good at drawing, we could use your help.).
>     Oh,  FYI - we are doing the new page complety by hand in Linux
>based programs (ie VI and JOE).
>     On a different note, Robert and I have not been getting all the emails
>the list . Since we seem having difficulties getting some of the emails, we
>wondering if anyone else was having this problem as well.
>We look forward to hearing from all of you!
>On Sat, 15 Jan 2000, you wrote:
>Visit http://www.KCLinux.com for Linux help
>-------------------------<Some words of Wisdom>--------------------
>Linux is user friendly - it's just picky about it's friends.
>Your mouse has moved. Windows NT must be restarted for the change
>to take effect. Reboot now? [ OK ]

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