Success -- MySQL / MyODBC replication

Jeffrey Watts watts at
Sat Apr 8 00:15:10 CDT 2000

On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, steve doerr wrote:

> I'll add that PostgreSQL is considered free software.  Here's their
> license. Just like GNU, only real restriction is disclaimer of
> liability and any warranties.

Well, not to be a stickler, but the GNU GPL has an additional restriction
which makes it what it is.  All derived works are under the GPL and if you
distribute the program, it must include the source (or have a link to
where you can get it).  This is the meat of the GPL, and is what
distinguishes it from the BSD license, which PostgreSQL is under.


| Jeffrey Watts                     |
| watts at         o-------------------------------------------o
| Systems Programmer         | "You only have power over people as long  |
| Network Systems Management |  as you don't take everything away from   |
| Sprint Communications      |  them.  But when you've robbed a man      |
o----------------------------|  of everything he's no longer in your     |
                             |  power -- he's free again."               |
                             |  -- Alexander Solzhenitsyn                |

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