Success -- MySQL / MyODBC install

Jeffrey Watts watts at
Thu Apr 6 21:46:18 CDT 2000

On Thu, 6 Apr 2000, michael d hoskins wrote:

> left out for speed and size considerations.  As a result, don't expect
> is scale like an Oracle or a DB/2.  Now Postgres has all of this, I
> think, and it's truly free, but it's so much slower that you gotta
> strongly consider MySQL.

Note that PostgreSQL's performance is on par with Oracle, though it
doesn't scale as well on the very high end.  PostgreSQL compares very
favorably to real DBMSes -- you have to realize that MySQL is not directly
comparable to Oracle, InterBase, nor PostgreSQL -- it's directly
comparable to products like Access, Foxpro, and Filemaker Pro.


| Jeffrey Watts                     |
| watts at            o-------------------------------------o
| Systems Programmer            | "I wonder if other dogs think       |
| Sprint - Systems Management   |  poodles are members of a weird     |
o-------------------------------|  religious cult."                   |
                                |  -- Rita Rudner                     |

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