A Meeting Idea...

Chad.LaFarge at ercgroup.com Chad.LaFarge at ercgroup.com
Thu Apr 6 18:11:01 CDT 2000

Just a thought... does the library have a projector that could be hooked up
to a PC in our room?  I think it would be nice, when we have installs or
fixes, if everyone could -see- what's being done.  We all learn a little,
and any "better ways" could be introduced as the fix is in progress, in case
a member has suggestions:  The installer said- "Then I enter 'xxxxxxx'", and
the observer chimed in- "But WAIT!!!  -this- will make it run 10x faster and
more reliably!!!".  It would be nce to have a better view of what's
happening without trying to see through a crowd around a machine.

Also, could I bring in my would-be firewall for some help in configuring it?
If so, what do I need to have downloaded and have prepared?

Thank you.


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