Recycling subject lines saves trees (was Re: Stopeditingthedamnsubject (was Re: The End OfWesternCivilization (wasRe:RoadRunnernonsense (wasRe: fwd: RE: STFU RE))
Steven Hildreth
sphildreth at
Wed Mar 12 08:31:40 CDT 2008
On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 8:34 PM, Luke -Jr <luke at> wrote:
> Protestantism was founded by men. The Catholic Church was founded by God
> Himself, and He guaranteed it would never teach error or mandate evil.
I quickly found several places where you can spew your babble, I would bet
it would be topical and reveleant. One does have to give kudos to you for
once again proving the need for moderators, moderators for both the mailing
list and the IRC channel; excessive off-topic rambling, ignorant incorrect
arrogant spoutings as fact, generally offensive remarks all with a touch of
smug and distaste.
Good job man! Drive those techno newbies seeking assitance and technical
social interaction back to the rank and file of Windows with a bad taste of
their "Wacky Linux Zealots" experience. Weeds out the weak I suppose.
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