ISPs, Newsgroups, etc. ...OH MY!!!

Billy Crook billycrook at
Sun Jun 29 21:41:16 CDT 2008

While I must concede that I would find it highly amusing for some
arcane, dialup-only, steam powered network to exist mostly seperate
from and parallel to the internet in this day and age when just about
every phone call itself goes over the internet at some point, I'm not
sure it's something I want to pay for the cost of interoperating with
it from my Internet bill.  It is unfortunate we didn't all get a
discount when they shut down their NNTP servers.

I guess this is the opportunity for those of you hardcore enough, to
get out your accoustic couplers, and find a UUCPNET provider.

It might be a little difficult though, given people stopped keeping
track of the layout of the network in 2000.  Certainly though, it
shouldn't be any trouble.  I've not done it myself, but hey, it it was
difficult, it would have been replaced, oh, say ten years ago, with
web based forums.

On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 19:45, David Nicol <davidnicol at> wrote:
> it is not clear if fidonet is still going or not; the link to "list of
> active nodes" is all web-fungus now.

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