ISPs, Newsgroups, etc. ...OH MY!!!

Jonathan Hutchins hutchins at
Sun Jun 29 11:42:36 CDT 2008

A few points of error here:

On Saturday 28 June 2008 03:18:36 pm Julie wrote:

> But what I do know is that Draconian laws like the AOL Ruling are what
> ISPs should be fighting, not us...their PAYING customers!!!

The Common Carrier rule, as it is more correctly known, is an ANTI-censorship 
law, saying that if the Carrier (AOL) doesn't meddle in the content, they are 
not responsible for it.

> Back in the day, the internet was a GREAT thing!!! People could
> _*freely*_ learn and exchange ideas with ease. The Genie had been let
> out of the bottle!!! Now, govs all around the world are desperately
> trying to re-bottle that Genie!

This is because "the internet" is reaching _more_ people in countries that 
didn't use to have to worry about it.

> Look at TV programing and the way that Cable and Satellite companies
> "tier" their channels into sections with the least educational channels
> being at the cheapest levels while the most educational channels are a
> lot more expensive.

This is because advertising carries the bulk of the expense on the cheaper 

> NOW, with DTV becomming *law* the poorest must pay just to get what is
> SUPPOSED to be FREE and has been since its inception. 

What has been legislated is that free, broadcast television move to the new 
technology.  It will still exist, with new options for quality and diversity.  
You should look at what local, free broadcast stations are doing with the new 
technology.  We are getting more for free, not less.  Yes, you need a $40 
converter, and probably an antenna, which are not free, but no subscription 
is required.

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