
Billy Crook billycrook at
Tue Feb 12 19:26:19 CST 2008

I'm happy with my brother MFC-420CN, but you wont find it on the
shelves these days.  It's end of life.  I bought a Brother MFC-685CW
last Christmas for my mother, who uses GNU/Linux.  It works great.
Brother provides rpms and debs.  The MFCs do printing, scanning,
faxing, copying, over USB or ethernet and the CW's are include
802.11b/g with WPA2.  I've not tried to send a fax from the PC, but it
looks like it works the same as printing.  There's an LPR driver, and
a CUPS wrapper.  Then you run one command to 'point' your brother
driver 'at' the network printer, and you're done.  They officially
support GNU/Linux, and that's alot better than many manufacturers.

When you go to buy it, ask someone, even a manager, does it support
linux, and if it doesn't tell them you're returning it.  Even if you
know in advance it will work fine, like the Brother MFC-685CW.  Use
your purchase to make your voice important.

The MFC-685CW also has an array of memory card slots and a camera
connection for direct printing of digital photos, and when you plug in
a memory card, it shows up as an ftp server on your LAN.  It has a
large color display, a photo paper feeder, and an ADF for the scanner.
 I think this one was $280 or something.  The ink on it is also dirt
cheap on ebay because the print heads are in the printer.  People go
on and on about that causing the printer to break, or dry out if you
don't print much, but my 420 has lasted two years, and I rarely print.
 I've still got one of the original cartridges in it!

On Feb 12, 2008 4:47 PM, Earle Beason <Earle-Beason at> wrote:
> I done some research and have found a few Linux printers, but the
> reviews were lacking for content. So kicking it out, does anybody have a
> printer they would recommend? It is for home use light use with, and the
> occasional bouts of moderate use. I try to stay away from HP, and not
> interested in anything that that can be found it walmart.
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