Greg KH using Microsoft-style FUD to attack "non-free"? (was Re: video cards)

Luke -Jr luke at
Fri Apr 4 12:34:44 CDT 2008

On Friday 04 April 2008, Leo Mauler wrote:
> The paragraph immediately following your quote was
> rather enlightening (emphasis mine):
> "Now **no lawyer will ever come out in public and say
> this, as lawyer really aren't allowed to make public
> statements like this at all**. But **if you hire
> one**, and talk to them in the client/lawyer setting,
> they will advise you of this issue."
> I am not convinced by an argument that stipulates that
> the people who told Greg that "kernel modules are
> illegal" will NEVER VERIFY THIS AS TRUE unless you pay
> them lots of money to tell you the same thing, and
> even then they can't legally discuss in public what
> you've talked about in private.

In case you never noticed, nobody will ever give free legal advice on the 
record. Probably for fear of being held liable if they end up wrong and 
having had no profit from the statement. But there is nothing GPL-specific or 
even copyright-specific to lack of public legal statements.

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