The drifted SCO thread has opened a new arena. "IS there a place for a de facto IP freedom realm"

David Nicol davidnicol at
Fri Sep 28 12:19:58 CDT 2007

On 9/28/07, Monty J. Harder <mjharder at> wrote:
> There is nothing that allows adaptation to add new functionality that isn't
> "essential" (whatever that is). And even under that provision, there is
> still no right to redistribute the adapted work.

nobody is saying there is a right to redistribute an adapted work.

> So I still say the guy's a wanker if he thinks we don't need a license to
> legally distribute his copyrighted work.

Nobody's saying that either.  What is being said, which is easy to misconstrue
as that, is that after you have done made some kind of essential
repair, arguments
against sharing the story of how you did it, complete with circles and arrows,
four part harmony, and diff files, on copyright infringement grounds,
are specious.

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