Anyone on the list have a laptop for sale that can run Beryl etc?

Michael Schultheiss schultmc at
Mon Oct 29 20:47:59 CDT 2007

Luke -Jr wrote:
> On Monday 29 October 2007, Michael Schultheiss wrote:
> > Dedicated memory would be a start.
> I imagine you can select the amount of RAM dedicated to the video card
> in your BIOS. Is there a reason you want a physical split of memory? I
> don't think any Intel gfx chips allow for that.

Now that I have 2G of RAM, it's not a big deal.  But back when I had
only 512MB of RAM, using 64-128MB (or whatever the minimum was) as video
RAM potentially hurt performance.  I know Intel GFX chips don't offer
dedicated VRAM - I was specifically thinking of a higher end ATI or
nVidia graphics card.

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