The drifted SCO thread has opened a new arena. "IS there a place for a de facto IP freedom realm"

Brian Kelsay ripcrd at
Mon Oct 1 12:24:32 CDT 2007

I have a hard time with understanding how the government via the
courts can allow patent suits, copyright claims, et al ad nauseum when
the person/company that sells the item disclaims all warranty for the
product and even states that "it may not even be fit for the use it is
intended."     Run with that Monty or someone.

On 9/28/07, Monty J. Harder <> wrote:
> Well, put this way, we have solid legal grounds upon which to stand.
> Releasing a patch program that can convert the original program into the
> essentially repaired version should be 100% free of problems with anything
> other than patents
> which theoretically encumber every program ever written, with the possible
> exception of a program that does absolutely nothing, including defining a
> particular exit code such as the POSIX standards true and false
> provided that it is accompanied by the standard disclaimer of warranty and
> the original author's responsibility for the modified program.

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