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Thu Mar 8 15:31:17 CST 2007

term "media" in addition to the initially mentioned DVD. IF we can buy
a 2G USB drive for <$20 at Micro Center today ,how long does it take
to buy a game packaged as I described delivered on such a drive. <br>
Ohyeah- the &quot;piracy&quot; and &quot;GottstohaveDRM&#39; issues get crucified by
anything released this way being GPL/Creative Commons etc. There&#39;s an
inherent short circuit to this project lurking for some bright soul to
extract and begin printing money with.. Contact me off list if you see
it too. And we can hatch it as a possibly lucrative venture- but it
only works if we get the right crew&nbsp; -&nbsp; which we have most of
on this list.<br>
Oren Beck<br>


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