Giving Apache sudo access

Jared jared at
Tue Mar 20 23:36:28 CDT 2007

>>> Ouch! It requires recompiling Apache. 
>> Are you sure it requires recompiling?  On most distros it should 
>> be a default module.  In Debian I found it precompiled at:
>> /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
> Apache's docs are distro-agnostic and harken back to the days 
> when every howto told you how to patch and recompile the 
> kernel.  (Those things persisted long after the modular kernel 
> made it unnecessary.)

Aha! The plot thickens. Thank you, Jonathan. Indeed, I read the
Apache docs and bailed on the idea because they mentioned
recompiling. In fact, the module exists, at the same location
you described, on a Gentoo box.

I think I can tinker with Kyle's proposal after all, as it
appears that mod_suexec is ubiquitous.

Thank you, all who responded. I learned a lot, and now have
three valid solutions to the problem.


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