Luke-Jr luke at dashjr.org
Thu Jan 25 09:11:31 CST 2007

On Thursday 25 January 2007 14:27, James R. Sissel wrote:
> "What OS would Jesus use?"

Well now that depends on which "Jesus" you're talking about...
- The "Jesus" of the Mennonites, who will let you join him as you are.
- The "Jesus" of the Conciliarists, who will do what he can to make sure *all*
		 meet up with him.
- The "Jesus" of the Baptists, who hates his own mother and will only take
		 others who also do.
- The "Jesus" of the Lutherans, who insists on disorganization to join him.
- ..... (any of the other "Jesus"s)
- The Jesus Whom founded the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church nearly
		 2000 years ago and saves those who accept Him as He is, love Him, and do
		 His will.

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