from the libertarian newspaper

Jared jared at
Fri Jan 19 13:08:51 CST 2007

> Well, I wouldn't come to your dinner party, because if your cooking 
> reflected your understanding of politics, the apple pie would have meat 
> in it and the steak would be a combination of lentils and dandelion greens.

We're drifting off topic, so be kind. The reason to be nice
in conversation about politics is this: If you are not nice,
the other guy wins. Your audience is not the other guy, but
those who overhear the conversation. Your politics ought to
reveal that you are a gentleman.

I like Jeremy's argument quite well, and find it to be more
lucid and mature than yours. I'll be bringing bread to dinner.
Homemade. Kneaded it myself.

Do not be angry at the Libertarians. Do not be angry at the
Socialists. Do not be angry at the Anarchists. Do not be angry
at the Republicans or the Democrats. Do not be angry at
Microsoft or Linux, Buddha or Christ.

But be fanatically angry at the ones who keep secrets,
whose strategy is to pit us against each other while they
reap profit from the wars.

John 18:20: "In secret have I said nothing."


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