
Bradley Hook bhook at kssb.net
Sat Jan 6 02:21:25 CST 2007

There has been a lot of chatter about different distros on the list 
recently, and I just wanted to throw out a quick poll of sorts, and 
maybe encourage a little more discussion. I would prefer to avoid any 
flames or childish "xyz distro sucks" insults, but I would like to know 
what KCLUG members have and are using.

So, what distro(s) do you use on your primary system(s)?

What distros have you tried in the last year or two? In 10 words or less 
describe why you did or did not like them.

As for me, I use Slackware on almost everything. I have 2 Slackware 
machines at home: one for me to game on, one for my wife to dabble on.

At work, I have a triple-boot laptop running Slackware/OSX/WinXP. I have 
roughly 10 servers, all running some version of Slackware. We are also 
running some UML instances within these servers, which all use a 
Slackware root_fs. We keep a few machines around running various other 
distros, from DSL to Ubuntu.

Distros I have tried:

Slackware - I love it because "It just works(tm)"
Ubuntu - I recommend it a lot, but I don't do GNOME
Kubuntu - Easy to install, and I like KDE
Damn Small Linux (DSL) - Name says it all
Knoppix - Eh, it's cool
RedHat - Fragged my bootloader more than once
Debian - Bad experiences with dependency checking
Gentoo - Novel idea, but installs take too long

Also, on every installation, I tend to download the latest kernel source 
(without a fourth number, ie 2.16.19) and build it specific to my 
hardware. I also usually compile my own Apache/PHP/PostGreSQL from 
vanilla sources.


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