Upgrading from FC4 to Kubuntu???

Jonathan Hutchins hutchins at tarcanfel.org
Thu Jan 4 19:50:28 CST 2007

On Thursday 04 January 2007 19:19, Luke-Jr wrote:

> I have to recommend Gentoo for anyone who doesn't mind learning internal
> workings. Binary OS have too many problems with application availability...

I haven't found anything significant that was available, or more current, in 
Gentoo than in *buntu and in Mandriva.  Better yet, the binary packages work 
when installed, and I don't get stuck in a dependency upgrade lock because 
some required file won't build or isn't the right version.

True to it's "ricer" car image, Gentoo requires constant tweaking and 
fiddling, and will regularly break down on you.  The only reason you learn 
about the process of compiling and building software is because the process 
breaks so often on Gentoo, and you can either go in and fix it or learn 
enough about what's wrong to patch it - usually a dumb error in a build 
file - yourself.

Nobody should kid themselves that using emerge is anything like building LFS, 
compiling and installing from a tarball, or the best practice, building your 
own binary .deb or .rpm files.  Those tasks will teach you useful things 
about your system.  Gentoo will just teach you to hate it because it's always 

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