Permissions for webadmin access on FC4

Jeremy Turner linuxwebguy at
Mon Jan 30 14:14:44 CST 2006

On 1/30/06, Jon Moss <jon.moss at> wrote:
> With this new group, what/how do I apply the permissions to /var/www/html
> so it (webadmin) will have access to edit the files there?  Is it just a
> chmod?  or is a chgrp/chown thing?

I would set it up as:

# set all files/directories to webadmin group
chgrp -R webadmin /var/www/html

# change all files to 664
find /var/www/html -type f -exec chmod 664 "{}" \;

# set GID bit on directories so that files newly created are
modifiable by webadmin
# group members
find /var/www/html -type d -exec chmod 2775 "{}" \;

Any other/better suggestions?


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