Screen Goes Black after running Xserver

Jack quiet_celt at
Wed Jan 18 11:54:06 CST 2006

--- Linux Rocks wrote:

> --- crash3m <crash3m at> wrote:
> > Is this on Debian stable where you cannot switch
> > VT's with xorg?  I'm
> > running unstable and it has always worked for me.
> I'm running the stable version. Can I install xorg
> along side with xfree86? Is xorg the same as X11?
Yes and no. You can both installed, but you will 
have to choose which one to use. This is a
thing, that you can change.

XFree86 is the original opensource implementation of
X11 .
Xorg is a splinter group from XFree86. They have an
dispute in philosophy and forked off a new X11. They
aren't identical. Xorg is susposedly lighter-weight
and faster. I've
not played with it, because of the VT switching
problems I've

Brian JD

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