Anonym.OS LiveCD

djgoku djgoku at
Tue Jan 17 14:11:52 CST 2006

On 1/17/06, Kelsay, Brian - Kansas City, MO <brian.kelsay at> wrote:
> So have you got it yet?  I'm getting it now.  I'd like to see what they
> consider easy for the average user.  I like that they strive towards
> that, but I like options to be available to the average or above average
> geek who wants to do more.  Most LiveCDs end up in this situation and
> come up with some sort of modules or a fork of project.  In any case it
> is nice to have good average default options for a user's first time
> with a thing like this, rather than mysterious, cryptic, bad or no
> default options.

I used BT to download this last night.

Brian, I will bring a copy tonight to the meeting that is for Aaron,
but we could check it out if you don't already have a copy and/or you
can make a copy of it while it is there.

I haven't tried this as of yet, hopefully will tonight. Anyone else try it yet?



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