Disappointed in Google

Nick Manley darkhack at gmail.com
Sat Jan 7 00:43:09 CST 2006

Is anyone else really disappointed in Google recently?  Do no evil my ass.
Don't get me wrong, I love Google (or used to anyway, I'm on the fence now)
but this Google Pack <http://pack.google.com/> stuff is really pathetic.
Norton and RealPlayer?!  I would only put that on the system of my worst
enemy.  I do realize Google is getting paid for this service by some of
these companies but does that really fit the "do no evil" slogan?  That's
not the only thing.  Its a mass of things that Google has done wrong and
this one finally sent me over the edge.  As you can see I use gmail despite
it being sub par compared to other free services and now executable are
blocked in email attachments.  Thanks Google.  It's nice that you are trying
to protect the newbies but at the very least give me the option to disable
it.  It is MY email!  Development has been crappy to say the least.  I still
remember reading an article on Google Rumors
<http://www.googlerumors.com/>about the possibility of a calendar. 
Still isn't here.  I am not saying
that I am completely expected one since it was never official and that
Google is a free service that I am not paying for, thus they can provide
what they want, but its been a while since Google has done anything worth
while for their users.  I realize this is a Linux mailing list and that most
of Google's software is for Windows XP but I still want to hear your opinion
on the matter.  Is this the beginning of the end?  Is Google finally
following in the footsteps of their older brothers and becoming corrupt?  Ok
ok... Maybe I am looking into it too much, but it just seems lacking.
Google is still good in other areas though.  There support for open source
and the summer of code project is a great idea!  I feel that Google should
set sights on doing a service and doing it well.  There search is second to
none.  For the other stuff.... well, a little more time creating a quality
product would do them and everyone else a lot better instead of trying to
move on to other projects.  Am I going overboard or ranting to much or do
you agree with me.  So many intelligent computer users (read slashdotters)
have built up Google to be a god and to some it would seem sinful to bash
Google in any light.  Any thoughts?
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