Anyone have a spare machine?

Kelsay, Brian - Kansas City, MO brian.kelsay at
Wed Jan 4 11:44:00 CST 2006

 One thing that I see that could cut down on ram useage is using all
KDE-based or gnome-based apps.  I found out a while back that on me
system with KDE and mostly K-apps, when I launched something like X-Chat
or other GTK apps, the system crawled for a bit at 384MB of ram.  So I
switched to Konversation for IRC.  End of problem.  I mostly do
web-based email now, and do RSS thru my Google homepage.  Some of the
other stuff I don't use.

A big system killer if you have ram below 1GB, is bit torrent downloads.
At least as far as I can tell.  I've had lockups on Linux and Windows
with torrents running, IRC and Firefox with tabs open.  PIII-500 with

-----Original Message-----
From: kclug-bounces at [mailto:kclug-bounces at] On Behalf
Of Luke-Jr
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 11:26 AM

On Wednesday 04 January 2006 17:10, Frank Wiles wrote:
> which kills performance.
>   Or you could just use less applications at once. 

Hence "Unless you use only very few applications at a time".

>   I run Gnome all day on a laptop with only 384 MBs of RAM.  It's my
>   work station and I never run into serious performance problems.

Perhaps you only do one or two things at a time and don't have on
average over 
50 windows open?

>   I typically have the following running constantly:
>   *) Several ( 5 or more ) terminals

I have at least that many, especially if you count each individual

>   *) Sylpheed

Obviously a good idea to have a mail app open all the time ;)

>   *) Firefox with several tabs

Aww, cmon. Firefox is for Windows lusers... Those of us who use
Linux-based OS 
have better browsers, namely Konqueror.

>   *) X-Chat

This used to eat a ton of RAM on my system until I limited its

>   *) Gaim

Not sure about Gaim, but Kopete can eat quite a bit of RAM. I like Psi's
small footprint.

>   *) Lifrea

How's the RAM usage here? Akregator keeps all article summaries in RAM,
and is 
eating 52 MB right now (usually more)

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