OT: MidWest Tech Conferences (was OT: Yet Another Perl Conference)

Leo Mauler webgiant at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 24 19:38:00 CST 2005

I'm sick and tired of living in the center of a fairly
neat circle, on the circumference of which are most of
the technology conferences.  No, can't afford to move
to anywhere on the circumference of the circle.

So I'd like to see a list of the technology
conferences which do make it here into the MidWest. 
We already know about ITEC, what are the others which
make it out here?  I'm needing to know when I can get
my technology conference fix within a 100 mile radius
of the center of the KC Metro Area.

--- glim at mycybernet.net wrote:
> Hello...
> Here is something for people interested in the Perl
> programming
> language.  Conference registration for Yet Another
> Perl Conference North 
> America 2005 has just opened.  YAPC is the
> grass-roots, all-volunteer 
> annual Perl conference.  Because it is
> volunteer-driven it is very 
> affordable.  Because the volunteers are passionate
> about Perl its 
> quality is very high.
> If this has sparked your interest please take a look
> at the details here
> and more details on the conference web site.  Have
> any questions?  You can 
> contact the conference organizers by email at:
> na-help at yapc.org
> Thanks for reading!
>   ---------->
>     Yet Another Perl Conference, North America, 2005
> Registration now
>     open.
>     Conference dates:  Monday - Wednesday 27 - 29
> June 2005
>     Location:  89 Chestnut Street        
> http://89chestnut.com/
>                University of Toronto
>                Toronto, Ontario, Canada
>     Info at: http://yapc.org/America

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Must be enough. When I say what things are like
Everyone's heart must be torn to shreds.
That you'll go down if you don't stand up for yourself
Surely you see that.

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