D. Hageman dhageman at dracken.com
Wed Mar 9 11:34:38 CST 2005

On Wed, 9 Mar 2005, Jonathan Hutchins wrote:

> I'm a little confused on the exact lineage of DB2, but isn't it Open Source?


> The confusion stems in part from the fact that a lot of typical Linux
> components, sendmail for instance, use "DB2" format databases for internal
> functions.

No, they use Berkeley db are some variant of the idea.

> Then there's the big announcement by IBM that they were releasing DB2 to OS a
> year or so ago.

Hmmm.... I doubt it.  They released a database written in Java, but DB2 is 
IBM's answer to a database for the big iron.

||  D. Hageman                    <dhageman at dracken.com>  ||

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