local development server and mapping drives
D. Hageman
dhageman at dracken.com
Fri Apr 29 11:46:43 CDT 2005
You could easily use any of the following to achieve your goal:
Each has its pros and cons.
On Fri, 29 Apr 2005, Jack wrote:
> I'm looking to add a headless server, in some out of
> the way location to make a webserver (intranet)/ db
> server. I want to use it for development of websites
> and database apps on, from my desktop. But, I want the
> ease of use of being able to read and write files
> without doing ftp, etc. I'd like to be able to point
> Quanta/Konquerer at it and have it look like a local
> filesystem. Is this a Samba project? Or is there
> another way to accomplish this, while still protecting
> the system from remote attacks should someone breach
> the firewall, or having the server inadvertantly
> expose itself beyond the firewall?
> Thanks,
> Brian D.
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|| D. Hageman <dhageman at dracken.com> ||
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