$100 laptop running Linux

Leo Mauler webgiant at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 9 11:53:46 CDT 2005

--- Brian Kelsay <Brian.Kelsay at kcc.usda.gov> wrote:
> Often the problem in a corporate environment, the
> newest version  of Windows must be run (XP w/ SP1 or
> 2) along with virus scanning, big email clients,
> latest office suite and nearly all software that an
> employee might ever use since you want a
> one-size-fits-all image for the PC.  There is always
> even more software to load for specialty jobs like
> program development.

Yes, the cost of replacement is far greater than the
cost of the computer, when you're talking about
Windows.  Especially when the licenses are tied to the

So a corporation might hold onto a low productivity
computer rather than engage in an expensive upgrade of
which only a small part is the cost of the computer.

> >>> Steven Danz <> 04/07/05 08:31PM >>>
> Leo Mauler wrote:
> > I have a PII-300Mhz I purchased for about 
> > $240 six months ago.  The 500Mhz laptops 
> > at HyperTech computers (87th & Farley) are 
> > right between $300-$400.
> >
> > 300Mhz is decent enough for most things, 
> > not very good for video (VideoCD-quality 
> > MPEG1 videos run fairly well) but it will 
> > let me do basic graphics editing and browse 
> > on the Internet without painful
> > "chuggachuggachugga" waits for the swap.

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