Gerald Combs gerald at ethereal.com
Mon Sep 13 16:25:25 CDT 2004

Ben Coffman wrote:

> Besides making two completely different systems speak with each
> other...What would be some applications of XML?

The folks who make the "Analyzer" protocol analyzer have an XML schema
for defining network protocols:


There are also XML encoding rules for ASN.1:


(Many network protocols, such as SNMP, LDAP, Kerberos, H.323, etc. use
ASN.1 to encode the bits that go onto the wire.)

The Mozilla team developed an XML schema (XUL) to describe user interfaces:


You can change Mozilla/Firefox/Thunderbird's interface by dinking with
the XML docs in your configuration directory.

Many projects use the DocBook XML DTD to produce documentation.

More examples can be found in the xml.org registry:


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