Shorewall Firewall dropping ftp from 2 PCs

Brian Densmore DensmoreB at
Mon Sep 27 11:03:03 CDT 2004

If you can open up an ftp connection but not download anything,
then it has all the earmarks for passive ftp versus active ftp
issues. Since it is only on these two machines, then I would bet
those two machines are blocking certain ports, or the ftp client
is running in a different default mode on those two machines.
Try connecting to an ftp site that one of the other 10 PCs can
download from and try doing both passive and active ftp and see
if one works and one doesn't.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Pratt 
> Well checked all the said links and what is weird is I can 
> get in to the ftp
> via commandline but cant get anything downloaded these effect 
> any FTP sites at
> all on the two PCs I can download via http. I have seen a lot 
> of strange
> things but This is the strangest. Any other ideas?  I have 
> even search for
> possible spyware but have fownd nothing.

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