Linux Support position

Jonathan Hutchins hutchins at
Wed Sep 22 11:13:36 CDT 2004

On Wed, September 22, 2004 10:42 am, Garrett Goebel said:

> I don't get it. All the snide remarks. It's a job offer. If you don't
> like it or smell a rat, walk on by.

Yes, true, and at least there's enough of a clue in the place that they're
runnng Linux somewhere.

It's just that so many of us have been exposed to the Utterly Clueless
Supervisor.  We've been the victim of job requirements for three years of
experience on a system that's only been out for two.  We've watched the
clueless be promoted above us because we were able to point out problems
they glibly ignored.  We like to vent occasionally
(news://alt.sysadmin.recovery) and we don't really want to put ourselves
in that position agian.

> Open positions are about the employer's needs.

Well, sometimes. Sometimes they're also about the employer's ignorance and

> I'd consider posting a Linux position and asking for the resume in word
> format just to go ahead and filter out all the religious fanatics and ax
> grinders ;-)

Now there you have an excellent point, and a good idea.

(I'm going to go brush up on my XP crash recovery skills now.)

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