Sendmail Help

Frank Wiles frank at
Tue Oct 26 16:05:03 CDT 2004

On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 17:00:38 -0400 (EDT)
"Jon Moss" <jon.moss at> wrote:

> I've changed it and we'll see what happens.
> FYI - SMTP is not running as a service.  Sendmail is (I did a ps -ef
> and a chkconfig --list to verify).

  SMTP is Simple Mail Transport Protocol which is what Sendmail, and
  every other E-mail server on the planet, uses to send E-mail. It's
  not a "server" or "daemon", but the "service name" as taken from
  /etc/services is smtp.  That is what tcpwrappers uses to know what
  port to block.

  For example, I assume you're running OpenSSH, but you only put SSH
  in the hosts.allow and hosts.deny files because that is the name of
  the service.  

   Frank Wiles <frank at>

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