Graphic for CD Labels from last year's ITEC

Dustin Decker dustin.decker at
Fri Oct 29 20:27:39 CDT 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: kclug-bounces at [mailto:kclug-bounces at] On Behalf
> Of Jonathan Hutchins
> Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 6:22 PM
> To: kclug at
> Subject: Re: Graphic for CD Labels from last year's ITEC
> On Friday 29 October 2004 04:25 pm, Monty J. Harder wrote:
> > Next time if we have two different things to give out, we need to keep
> the
> > second choice back and parcel it out a bit more judiciously.
> Or just go ahead and plan for people to take both.
> It was a bit of a last-minute scramble this week, we were lucky we had
> stuff
> at all.
> Thanks to all the folks who did the work, printed the labels, showed up.

And to everyone in kclug that thought I would show up with gear and what
not, my most humble apologies.  Things have been pretty tight this past year
now that I'm on my own - when revenue presents itself, I have to strike
while the iron is hot.

Next year, if I'm still KC-based, I will make a better commitment.

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