spamassassin question [with blacklist question]

D. Joe Anderson kclug at
Tue Oct 26 12:53:35 CDT 2004

On Mon, Oct 25, 2004 at 05:54:17PM -0500, Brian Kelsay wrote:
> Brian, since this is a Debian system, why not use apt-pinning for Spam 
> Assassin to get the version from testing?  What does Spam Assassin 
> depend on?  If it doesn't need the latest and greatest of a bunch of 
> pkgs., then you shouldn't have much problem.  e.g. if it depends on 
> Python, but doesn't need the latest.

Or, for that matter, if it can use i386 packages, why not pull a                   
newer spamassassin out of                                



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