spamassassin question

Jeremy Turner jeremy at
Mon Oct 25 15:44:05 CDT 2004

On Mon, October 25, 2004 3:07 pm, Brian Densmore said:
> Spelling counts.

I won't tell you about the time I mixed up "Maildir" with "maildir" in my
exim conf file.  Oh wait, I just did.  It took me an hour to figure that
one out.

> but not to crazy about mixing "stable" and "testing" on a "in the wild"
> server.

I said the heck with it and pinned my server on sarge.  It'll be the new
stable soon enough.  I can't stand SA 2.4 or whatever is in stable, same
with 2.4 kernel, Apache 1.3, etc.


Jeremy Turner <jeremy at>
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