Third Choice of Linux Distro?

lerninlinux at lerninlinux at
Tue Mar 30 08:39:36 CST 2004

I have been wanting to play with Gentoo for a while, but time has been the issue.  In a couple of 
weeks I should have some time to put it on my entertainment pc.  But what is the old joke about 
trying to use it on older software.... emerge life.
> Jonathan Hutchins wrote:
> > For you, Leo, my recommendation would be to build a Linux From Scratch 
> > installation.  That way there are no conspiracies, there is no-one to blame 
> > but yourself for anything that's not the way you want it to be.  You get 
> > exactly what you decide to get.
> And when he asks what car he should buy, you reply, why not build your 
> own?  It'll only take you 3 weeks longer.  I'd only do it on a dare, 
> when I had no pressing engagements.  I wouldn't wish a full Gentoo build 
> on someone unless they actively sought it out on their own like I did. 
> Reserve a week of evenings and it's doable.  Oh, yeah.  Don't emerge 
> world too soon, some minor update to X will throw you into a multi hour 
> or multi day upgrade.  I grant you that there is a lot to be learned 
> from a LFS or Gentoo build, but I won't do it again soon.  I'll save my 
> energy for a Knoppix remaster.
> It's Debian in some form for me.  Knoppix, Morphix, Mepis, DamnSmall, 
> Flonix.  SystemRescueCD is good too, based on Gentoo. And I like IPCop 
> on the firewall, based on RedHat 7.3.
> ----------------------------------------------
> Somewhere there is a village missing an idiot.

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