Hardware Detection
Brian Densmore
DensmoreB at ctbsonline.com
Thu Mar 18 14:32:24 CST 2004
> ----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Kelsay
>> On Wednesday, March 17, 2004 10:55 am, Brian Kelsay wrote:
>>>Only problem with installing something like the full blown Knoppix for me
>>>is if I don't have a CDRW in a PC, I get all this extra software installed,
>>>same w/ TV card and other devices.
>> Yeah, same problem here. I can understand having things like mkisofs on a
>> system without a burner, but not cdrecord. In SuSE, every time I run the
>> package manager (part of YaST), I have to lock out ISDN adapters, TV tuners,
>> Nokia Cell Phones, Palm Pilots, and a bunch of other stuff.
>I despise all that Palm stuff loading when I have no Palm device.
Run modconf and remove them. Although, they may be built into the kernel,
which means apt-getting the kernel-source and rebuilding a debian kernel.
I'm actually glad they error on the side of "throw everything you can think of
in". That means I'm much more likely to successfully run on any machine I choose. There will always
be give and take. I see lots of rants on here and other lists about how some distro didn't detect
this or that. So now that someone has listened to the rants and installed "dhis, dhat and de other
you're going to rant on them for including everything. Sheeesh! There's just no pleasing some
people. ;')
Remember it's your machine, you're responsible for maintainance and fine-tuning. ;')
>>>The other problem is that, as far as I
>>>know, once you install to disk, you lose the autodection of hardware. So
>>>If you plan on putting a device in the PC, you should do so before install
>>>to make your life easier.
Debian has discover.
"apt-get install discover" and you'll get autodetection.
It comes as part of the Bonzai Linux distro.
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