Somewhat OT: Wireless Router Problem

Jonathan Hutchins hutchins at
Wed Jun 16 18:45:37 CDT 2004

On Sunday, May 30, 2004 07:56 pm, Charles, Joshua Micah (UMKC-Student) wrote:

"Lucas Peet" <sirsky at>:
> >Is it a built-in wireless card?  If so, most likely what happened, was
> >when the laptop was in for service, the tech who worked on it
> >disconnected the antenna leads from the mini-PCI card in the laptop.

> YES!  Thank you very much!  This goes in the "things to remember" file. 

Wow.  When I read Lucas' post I thought "you know, that's really stretching 
it, I'll bet it's just a MAC problem".  Turns out he was right!  Good call!

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