Yet another Linux on the desktop article

Brian Kelsay BLKELSAY at
Fri Jul 30 17:02:12 CDT 2004

Whoa, Rex.  There are some valid issues.  Maybe I worded too strongly.  I had only skimmed the 
articles when I first linked them.  On a full read, I realized that there were issues they brought 
up that were already solved.  For example, automounting and having icons for drives or USB mass 
storage automatically appearing on the desktop.  That's done, maybe not implemented on every 
distros desktop, but done.  I use it on Knoppix.   Maybe it needs to become standard on every 
distro.  That would be the appropriate statement for the article.  Focus on standardization of 
important features.   I'm saying that OSNews should read and review, possibly edit or ask for 
rewrites on some articles before posting them.  That and having 3 similar articles in a matter of 
days needs to be addressed.  I'm saying that if you feel qualified to write an article on a 
subject, maybe you should fully research the topic first, which may include RTFM.

Brian Kelsay

>>> Rex Deaver <> 07/30/04 12:21PM >>>

--- Brian Kelsay <> wrote:

> Both articles
> contained stuff that is solved or in progress
> already.  I don't know, maybe we should just ignore
> the idiots.  Move along, nothing to see here.

Or you could recognize that there is indeed a problem
and deal with it instead of denying it and belittling
anyone who brings it up. The sheer number of
complaints would clue any thinking person that they
either need to fix the problems, or fix the
perception. Basically telling everyone who raises the
issue that they are stupid and need to go read all the
man pages does neither.

Rex Deaver

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