Somewhat OT: I wanna hack my Coke

lerninlinux at lerninlinux at
Wed Jul 7 14:29:55 CDT 2004

Had a rough day yesterday, and just when it was ending, started choking on dinner.  Grabbed a Dr. 
Pepper and opening it and "congratulations, you've won".  Still choking and that was last soda.  
Stumbled to water faucet just as city was turning off local water due to main brake.  Barely making 
it.  Now I am p*SS&d and I want to hack the can and send it back with a message of where to put 

sorry saw thread and couldn't resist!

> On Tue, 2004-07-06 at 13:42, Brian Densmore wrote:
> > I read it is a GPS transponder. which if that is correct it is
> > both a transmitter and receiver. Which of course would make 
> > sense. How would a GPS know where it was if it didn't receive
> > an answer it requested from a satellite?
> The satellites send the information out constantly, and don't know (or
> care) if anyone is listening.
> A normal GPS receiver listens, and based on what it hears, figures out
> where (and when) it is.  The only person it shares this information with
> is the one holding the receiver.
> See for more details.
> This Coke can most likely then proceeds to encode the position data in
> some way and transmit it over the cell phone network while you are
> talking to the prize patrol.  I guess it is up to the lucky winner to
> make sure he/she is in a place where both the cell phone network and the
> GPS satellites can be seen before placing the call.
> --
> Kendric Beachey (who works at Garmin)

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