Backing up a directory to a remote file system

Karl Schmidt karl at
Sat Jan 31 18:38:06 CST 2004

Jason Clinton wrote:

> Karl Schmidt wrote:
>> The rsync stream is very compressed. In fact, if a file changes it 
>> calculates the differences and only sends that as compressed data - 
>> very fast.
> Does it diff binaries?

Yes! rsync is one of the star examples of excellent OSS. I think it was 
written by the same guy who did samba.

I use rsync for updating our web site - which often has new versions of 
binary software in it. Even running it over ssh it is very fast.

To give you an example, I changed the email address on 100+ pages of the 
web site (to avoid some of the virus bounce messages) yesterday. It took 
only about 20 seconds to rsync the remote site. moving whole files would 
have taken several minutes.

> Hum. Interesting. I still have to tarball it on the destination server 
> which is not what I want.

You could try making the tarball on the other end and rsyncing the 
resulting file - always keeping it the same name on both end - Depending 
on how well it calculates the changed data that might work pretty well.

Karl Schmidt EMail    Karl at
Transtronics, Inc.    WEB
3209 West 9th Street  Ph(785) 841-3089
Lawrence, KS 66049    FAX(785) 841-0434

Happiness is a Swedish sunset; it is there for all, but most of us look 
the other way and lose it.--Mark Twain

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