Interesting almost-free ISP:

Brian Kelsay BLKELSAY at
Wed Feb 25 16:15:32 CST 2004

I only have one computer connected to the cable modem.  As many as ten on the switch connected to 
the other NIC, but still only one connected to the cable modem.  I only need one IP.  And if they 
would do some smack down on the guys spreading viruses, I wouldn't need that one so much to protect 

Brian Kelsay

>>> Jon <k_m34 at> 02/25/04 09:54AM >>>
My Comcast contract/TOS clearly stated that we are not allowed to hook
more than one computer to the cable without paying for an extra IP for
each machine.  The loophole here is that they say nothing about hooking
a computer up to that first one and routing access.  

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