[OT] partialy I was wondering what suggestions forprograming

Brian Kelsay BLKELSAY at kcc.usda.gov
Wed Feb 11 15:28:47 CST 2004

That should have been:
In fact, I think the prof. told us he preferred us to also write down fortran code and debug before 
going to the lab.

Brian Kelsay

>>> "Brian Kelsay" <BLKELSAY at kcc.usda.gov> 02/11/04 08:48AM >>>
  In fact, I think the prof. told us he preferred us to also write down and debug before going to 
the lab.  You could debug in your head or on paper.  I did this in my dorm room and then went and 
typed in the program.  Usually I would only have one or 2 bugs or non at all after doing this kind 
of prep.   Spelling errors (syntax error) and bad typing in general were the biggest culprits.

Brian Kelsay

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