Moving on to Debian from Redhat

Shayne Patton linuxh3d at
Sat Feb 7 21:38:14 CST 2004

Karl Schmidt wrote:

> Shayne Patton wrote:
>> Karl Schmidt wrote:
>>> I put up a page to help the transition from redhat to debian.
>>> Additions, suggestions - welcome.
>> LONG LIVE SLACKWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :-)
> It's all the same linux underneath <g>. I love the competition between 
> distros as it is really making things get better fast.
> Tell me - how do you like the packaging system on slackware?
Yeah Yeah, same linux I know.  :-)  And I love them all.  I'm just 
partial to slack because I like the packaging.  I started learning on 
slack 7.1 and RH 6.0.  Slack worked, RH didn't.  Contrary to the input I 
read about RH being what I should start w/ being a noob.  Without the 
std pkg mgmt, I wouldn't have learned anything (same as ALOT of others) 
about the mechanics of the os.  Plus the configuration is pretty easy 
once you get used to it, especially using webmin (yes I cheat here). 
I like debian alot, moreso than RH and I even like the rpm distro's.  
Like you said, it's all linux underneath.  Slack consistantly benches 
higher in almost all tests for speed though.  Stability, I think Slack 
doesn't have anything on debian (stable and testing), but I do think 
stability on RH is worse.  And I'd much rather use Slack's pkg mgmt than 
rpm.  I do like debian's apt though.  In fact I use slapt-get on some 
people's machines if they're noob's and have broadband. 


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