re-reading a config file
Shayne Patton
linuxh3d at
Fri Feb 6 20:39:39 CST 2004
Rusty wrote:
>Isn't there some way to get a service to re-read its configuration file
>OTHER than stopping and restarting the service? I seem to remember that
>being a possibility, but can't remember the command(s) that work. (I
>know this isn't a lot of information, but I was having a discussion
>with a friend, had some memory of this being possible, but can't
>remember any details.) TIA for any help.
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well, you have to find out the PID for the service/process you want to
restart you can find this out easily by running "ps ax | grep 'srvc
name' ". Once you find the PID run "kill -SIGHUP PID" that tells the
running srvc to reread it's config and incorporate any changes.
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