Box stops communicating with switch on reboot

Brian Kelsay Brian.Kelsay at
Tue Dec 7 08:33:24 CST 2004

Did you try on the XP box "ipconfig /release" and "ipconfig /renew"?  And on the Linux box "if eth0 up" or "ifconfig eth0", "dhcpcd" or "dhclient" if these are running DHCP.  Give some other details.  What happens if you just move the cable to another port without restarting the router?  How about if you just wait longer than 2 seconds after boot?  Does either ever come up?

Brian Kelsay

>>> Patrick M <> 12/07/04 08:15AM >>>
Hi I have a couple of netopia routers with 4/8 port switches. When  I 
take down my linux box and reboot, it won't connect unless I reset the 

This in itself was livable I am the admin, I just have to remember to 
reset the switch or have someone else do it if I am not on site.
Now, I reloaded an XP box on a linksys switch that is having the same 

Is there something I am missing on this. do I need to open a port on the 
computers so the switches can see them easier? They end up working after 
resetting the switch, not something easy to do or remember every time 
you or your users reboot.

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