BIND9 on multiple subnets

Brian Kelsay BLKELSAY at
Tue Aug 3 13:20:10 CDT 2004

If you need to set outside DNS and you don't want to have to pay for just one personal domain, then 
use .  I bought a .us domain cheap from and then used the Free DNS 
from Zone Edit.  If you don't even want to pay for a domain name and you are OK with using a 
sub-domain, go to and get .   They have like 
20 domains available to choose from.  You can get 2 or 3 subdomains free and they do the DNS for 
you.  If you have your own domain, they charge for the DNS service.
For the inside, you should be able to set up DNS on your firewall or some other box.  Your firewall 
should at the very least, port forward and NAT.  i.e. A port 80 request gets forwarded to your 
webserver, port 21 to the FTP server, port 22 to any one box running SSH.  If you only have a few 
machines and you are not trying to learn BIND, you can use something small like djbdns.

Brian Kelsay

>>> <jeremy at> 08/02/04 10:39PM >>>
> What most of us do is use some sort of dynamic DNS resolver, or the
> services of our Registrar, to point the whole domain (*.domain.grp) at our
> firewall and let the firewall sort out which ports to forward where.  This
> makes it appear to the outside world that your firwall is your
> webserver/mailserver/desktop/torrentserver, and your internal network
> sorts things out on it's own.

Hmm.. I was hoping to save myself the $25/year/domain cost of dynamic DNS,
but I might need to keep it.  I've had a good experience so far.  I only
have one host, so 2 DNS servers would really not be necessary from my
point of view.  I mean, if you can't reach the DNS server to resolve, you
can't get to the host, since they're on the same machine!

I think what I'm going to do is us dynamic DNS for the external Internet,
and keep BIND how it is internally.  When hosts are inside, they pickup
the right hostnames, and then when they leave, they dynamic DNS picks up
the rest.


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